Thursday 11 February 2010

Kronstadt Hanger Reopens In Calais

Yesterday, despite the effort of the local authorities and the lies spread about the aims and activities of No Borders and SoS Soutien aux Sans Papiers by Besson and Bouchart [1], local Calais activists [2] reopened the Krondstadt Hanger and held a press conference there outlining our response to the authorities' actions. These potentially include suing both Besson and Bouchart for defamation and taking legal action against the closure of the legally acquired space, something that was so blatantly a political act dressed up as a health and safety issue..

Unfortunately, No Borders still do not know the full reasons cited in the administrative order closing the hanger as the Calais Council have not seen fit to issue SoS Soutien aux Sans Papiers (who officially rent the building) with the order. However, the deputy mayor in charge of the safety committee, Philippe Mignonette, said in a TV interview that gas heaters were being used in the building and that "were cylinders badly closed". The problem is that the only gas cylinders were already there and that only small electric heaters and hot plates to heat soup were being operated. There was no gas heaters or any other gas appliances on the premises.

So, as of 3pm yesterday, the Kronstadt Hanger is open and fulfilling the role it was originally meant for, not the one that Besson fantasised it to be.

[1] Besson labelled No Borders activists as members of the "violent extreme left"and Mafia, saying "will not allow the reconstruction of a place which serves as a base camp to Mafia networks of clandestine immigration near the port of Calais."
[2] Bouchart claimed No Borders were outsiders walking over the feet and bellies of Calaisiens ("sur les pieds et le ventre des Calaisiens")!




The C'SUR collective offers its support to the No border volunteers that are in Calais and is indignant about the remarks made by the government and the mayor against them. They are neither violent nor terrorists but activists that fight for the respect of fundamental human rights.

In this sense the no border volunteers in Calais fight like the other associations for the respect and the dignity of the migrants. When Sangatte closed, we also invaded public places and parish rooms to accommodate the migrants whilst those who had applauded the closure of Sangatte were not interested in their fate.

When the laws do not respect man we go beyond them to live the law of universal fraternity.

For several months the volunteers of no border have supported the actions of the humanitarian associations on the ground. We thank them for this.

The hangar project is interesting: it was not destined to become a place for accommodation but was to be a place of welcome for diverse activities for the migrants and also a friendly place for exchange and meeting of volunteers, inhabitants [of Calais] and migrants (exhibitions, conferences, debates and concerts were planned)

We regret certain words of the authorities that are dangerous because they stir up hatred between Calaisiens and migrants. The population denounce the omnipresence of police in Calais. Many Calaisiens show solidarity with the migrants and volunteers who help them (at the last count 483 Calaisiens had signed a petition of support).

The dignity afforded by the better sleeping conditions of the BCMO: boxes on a cold and damp floor, is that enough ??? Proper toilets!

We invite all the associations to show solidarity and the leaders to mobilise more strongly on another project than the repression of Mr Besson.

10 FEBRUARY 2010


For all contacts: JP Boutoille spokesperson of the collective 0624758082

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