Monday 8 March 2010

Statement From The Harmondsworth Hunger Strikers

As we want the world to know about our hunger strike we want the world to know why:

1- the Home Office do not respect the medical report about the detainees and that is on the case of one, a guy from China in Harmondsworth he is there for a long long time and the guy needs a mental health care

2- a guy from Lebanon named also needs a mental health care and hospitalization

3- a guy from Russia is losing his liver and needs a real health care even he is married to a British Citizen for 10 years and his daughter is more than 8 years old and she was born in UK as was his son who is now 3-years old.

4- a guy named Nidal has many medical reports one from NHS one from a doctor and one from the health care centre say he is not fit to fly but the home office did not take that reports and he was supposed to be removed on the 25-02-2010 and he had to stop it by the High Court he has angina

5- muhamad needs professional health care.

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